
Saturday, 12 June 2010

Unlocking The Secret To The Adult Canine Stem Cell

Unlocking The Secret To The Adult Canine Stem Cell

Unlocking the secret to the adult canine stem cell will surely pave the way for a better future in creating a better bond between man and his canine friend.

But what exactly is an adult canine stem cell?

For starters, stem cells define the way how life is currently being viewed from varying perspectives, due to recent breakthroughs and discoveries about the many possible benefits and uses of stem cells, both in humans and animals.

Much has been said and controversies have arisen about breakthroughs in stem cell research and how many people perceive it as a major factor for breakthrough treatments of many diseases.

Initially, stem cells are generally basic primal cells found in all multi-cellular organisms that have the ability to regenerate through a process called mitotic cell division and can also differentiate to a broad and diverse range of specialized cell types.

Stem cells are broken down to three common categories, which are defined as embryonic stem cells that are derived from blastocysts, cord blood stem cells that are found in the umbilical cord and adult stem cells.

During the last couple of years, stem cells have established a reputation as a common household word, especially brought about by the recent exposure of stem cell research and breakthroughs, including those that involve adult canine stem cells for treatment and therapeutic properties for the canine species.

However, it has become more popular for its perceived benefits in the medical field, especially for its therapeutic and regenerative repair processes.

One classic example is that in a developing mammalian embryo, stem cells evolve and eventually differentiate into all of the specialized and individual embryonic tissues.

For adult organisms, stem cells primarily function as the repair tools of the body as it replenishes damaged specialized cells.

Breakthroughs into stem cell research are looking into its use for medical therapies, especially those in the embryonic cell lines that are generated through therapeutic cloning, especially with damaged muscle and bones tissues commonly affecting dogs.

Also those believed to be highly potential areas for development of stem cell therapeutic benefits are adult stem cells found in the umbilical cord blood and bone marrow.

One of the major properties of the stem cell that establishes itself in the forefront of most medical researches is its ability for self renewal by going through numerous cycles of cell division, all the while maintaining its undifferentiated state.

Another unique property is its unlimited potency where it has the capacity to differentiate to any mature cell type, including the adult canine stem cell.

Theoretically, adult canine stem cells can infinitely divide itself to replenish other cells as long as the living organism – be it human or animal – remains to exist, since when a stem cell divides, it surprisingly can either remain as another stem cell or become a different type of cell that may perform other specialized functions like a brain cell, red blood cell or a muscle cell.

But even as stem cells continue to be known as one of the most fascinating topics of science today, it also has raised many controversial issues that sometimes lead to many technical hurdles that will continue to hound ongoing research into the stem cell process- scientifically, religiously and ethically.

Nonetheless, this check and balance process into stem cell research will benefit science as it will continue to challenge the scientific community to venture forth into more intensive research to further improve and continue to define the roles and limits of stem cells and its mysteries.

Many questions still abound regarding stem cells and dog’s diseases, but unlocking the secret to the adult canine stem cells will provide us with all the answers we need to know.

John Caldecott.





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